"Havok in the Hamak Sector" (an adventure for Artemis 2.0) by Mike Substelny This mission script lets an Artemis crew experience an adventure with a real story. It has characters, a plot with plot twists, a mystery to solve, new tactics to learn, and a desperate battle for survival. This script will override to difficulty setting 5. The author recommends a full crew of six experienced players playing the TSN Battleship or Dreadnought. The Communications and Science Officers are very important and should not be doubled up with any other role, including the Captain. No one will be bored in the Hamak Sector! Please turn down the music to 25% (lower if you have small speakers) so your crew can hear the audio messages. Leave audio comms at 100%. DO NOT RENAME YOUR sHIP TO ANYTHING OTHER THAN ARTEMIS. This version includes some special effects and sound effects. It is much more difficult and more hectic than the previous releases. Good luck and have fun! Hints: Remember that the Weapons Officer can turn energy into torpedoes. The Communications Officer should micro-manage the Warsaw. It's a great asset and you should not let it leave the map. The faster you go the more energy the Ramscoop makes. Engineering should have an impulse-heavy preset for energy gathering. If you like "Havoc in the Hamak Sector" look for its sequel "Catch 22.1" to be released in Spring 2014. See my website sites.google.com/site/mikesartemismissions/home/upcoming-missions/ for info.