"The Sirius Feint" (a Canonical Battle for Artemis 2.2x) by Mike Substelny Recommended for TSN Battleship This mission script lets your crew experience the actual battle conditions faced by a crew in the canon of the Artemis universe. It is a very difficult battle, late enough in the timeline that ships on both sides are equipped with advanced technology. Your crew has volunteered for a suicide mission. Your antiquated Battleship was actually decomissioned two wars ago and was scheduled to be scrapped, but these are dire times and the TSN doesn't have modern ships to spare. Your ship has been hauled out of mothballs and rushed back into service to be the flagship of a diversionary force. Your fleet is composed of small picket ships disguised to look like capital ships. The real TSN fleet is in the Epsilon Pegasi sector, laying a trap for the enemy. Can you hold out long enough for the trap to spring? The fate of the war hangs in the balance. For this mission your crew is considered expendable. Your duty is to tie up the enemy in the Sirius Sector long enough for the main fleet to win its battle at Epsilon Pegasi. This script will override to difficulty setting 8. The author recommends a full crew of six veteran players experienced with the Battleship. DO NOT RENAME YOUR sHIP TO ANYTHING OTHER THAN ARTEMIS. Good luck and have fun! Hints: On a broken down wreck like this, your engineer will be VERY busy. Remember the Communications Officer can hail friendly ships. The Communications Officer should micro-manage your allied ships. Try to protect them as long as possible. If your allies defeat an enemy they must be told to attack another or they will wander off.