----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSION SCRIPT DOCS FOR ARTEMIS SBS V2.5.102 1/21/2017 rev 13 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL NOTES The mission script system is designed to let anyone create, share, and play game missions for Artemis. In the Artemis install folder, there's a subfolder called 'Dat'. Inside that is another folder called 'Missions'. Inside the Missions folder, each mission needs to have its own unique folder. Each mission folder name must start with 'MISS_'. Inside a mission folder must be 1 XML file. It must share the same exact name as the folder it's inside, except for the .xml suffix. This file will contain all the commands that make the mission happen. There may be other files in the same folder. As a general rule, any sound, video, or image files that the mission uses must be in the same folder as the XML file that references it. When the Artemis game starts up, choose "Start Server". At that point, the game will look inside the Missions subfolder and make a list of every folder that starts with 'MISS_'. On the Server control screen you can select one of those missions. If you do, you can still set the game difficulty. The diff setting won't control the amount and type of enemies (the mission will do that), but it will still control the enemy beam damage and the efficiency of the Artemis' systems. When you've chosen your mission (and other settings), click the 'Start Game' button. As the game is initialized, the Artemis app will attempt to open the chosen folder and read the XML file inside. It will read the entire XML script into memory, and keep it in memory for the entire game. The XML script should contain a single block. The raw text inside the block is displayed on the mission choice dialog of the server. The XML script should contain a single block. At the start of the mission, the commands in the start block will be immediately followed. The XML script should also contain blocks. These blocks should contain both COMMAND and CONDITION blocks. For each event block, all of its CONDITION blocks are checked. If they are all TRUE, then all of the event's COMMAND blocks are immediately followed. So, when you make a mission XML file, use one start block to create all the initial conditions of the mission. Then use event blocks to trigger parts of the story when they are supposed to occur. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE BRAIN STACK Now, all enemies and neutrals have a "Brain Stack". AI blocks get appended to the stack (using the add_ai command), and the AI resolves each block from top (first) to bottom (last), so each AI block can supersede the AI blocks above it. {L"TRY_TO_BECOME_LEADER"}, if your fleet value is 0 to 99, you belong to a fleet (IF you're an enemy). The fleet doesn't have a chosen leader; instead, if there's no leader, each member tries to claim the role. This block does that. {L"CHASE_PLAYER"}, if a player ship is closer than value1 (value2 if the player is in a nebula), this enemy turns to attack it. If this enemy is a fleet leader, the fleet follows. {L"CHASE_NEUTRAL"}, if a neutralship is closer than value1 (value2 if the neutralship is in a nebula), this enemy turns to attack it. If this enemy is a fleet leader, the fleet follows. {L"CHASE_ENEMY"}, if an enemy is closer than value1 (value2 if the enemy is in a nebula), this neutral turns to attack it. {L"CHASE_STATION"}, if a station is closer than value1, this enemy turns to attack it. If this enemy is a fleet leader, the fleet follows. {L"CHASE_WHALE"}, if a whale is closer than value1, this enemy turns to attack it. If this enemy is a fleet leader, the fleet follows. {L"AVOID_WHALE"}, if a whale is closer than value1, this enemy turns to left to avoid it. {L"AVOID_BLACK_HOLE"}, if a black hole is closer than value1, this enemy turns to left to avoid it. {L"CHASE_ANGER"}, If this enemy or fleet is smarting from a recent attack, turn to attack the source. {L"CHASE_FLEET"}, if an enemy fleet is closer than value1, this enemy turns to follow it. If this enemy is a fleet leader, the fleet follows. This block is usually used to make an enemy "shadow" another enemy fleet. {L"FOLLOW_LEADER"}, if your fleet value is 0 to 99, you belong to a fleet (IF you're an enemy). This block makes you follow its commands. {L"FOLLOW_COMMS_ORDERS"}, without this block, a neutral will ignore comms. {L"LEADER_LEADS"}, if your fleet value is 0 to 99, you belong to a fleet (IF you're an enemy). If you're the leader, you need to do a little housekeeping with this block. {L"SPCL_AI"}, IF the enemy wants to behave like an elite, using special abilities like cloaking and warping, it needs this block. {L"DIR_THROTTLE"}, The script can add this block to force an AI brain to a specific heading (value1) and throttle(value2). {L"POINT_THROTTLE"}, The script can add this block to force an AI brain to a specific location (value1=x, value2=y, value3=z) and throttle(value4). {L"TARGET_THROTTLE"}, The script can add this block to force an AI brain to move towards a specific unit (targetName) and throttle(value1). {L"ATTACK"}, The script can add this block to force a brain to move toward and act on a named object (targetName), moving at throttle (value1). {L"DEFEND"}, Add this block to make a neutral that is "defending" another object attack enemies that get within (value2), as long as the neutral is closer than (value1) to whatever it's defending. {L"PROCEED_TO_EXIT"}, All neutrals start out with a position (off the map) that they are trying to go to. This block guides them there. {L"FIGHTER_BINGO"}, This block (for fighters only) makes the fighter go back to its carrier when fuel is low. {L"LAUNCH_FIGHTERS"} This block (for carriers only) launches all of the fighters that are refueled when a player ship is closer than (value1). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- RACEKEYS and HULLKEYS Creating ships and assigning 3D hulls to them is now more flexible. The old way was to use the hullID attribute to specify the exact ID of the hull (from the vesselData.xml file). That way is still active, but no longer recommended. ATTRIBUTE: raceKeys VALID: text (corresponds to hullRace name and keys in vesselData.xml) ATTRIBUTE: hullKeys VALID: text (corresponds to vessel className and broadType in vesselData.xml) Instead, when you create a ship using the 'create' command, use the raceKeys and hullKeys to pick the best hull indirectly. For instance (using vesselData.xml 1.60 as a reference), if you want to create an enemy that's a Torgoth Battleship, you use This will make an enemy Torgoth Battleship. BUT, what if your script is being played by someone who's modified the vesselData.xml, or a later version of the game has changed vesselData.xml, or the player is playing a modded game? Your script might not find the Torgoth race or its Battleship hull. So let's broaden the keys to allow for alternatives: NOW, if the Torgoth race isn't found, a race with the "enemy" key will be. If a Battleship isn't found, the "medium" broadtype will be. Now your script stands a much better chance of working, no matter what changes have happened to the vesselData.xml file. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starting with Version 1.69, literal number values have been replaced by an expression evaluator. Put simply, anywhere you can type in a number, you can also type in a math expression (like 5 * 2 / 6.554). Most importantly, you can use variable names in the expressions, too. These are all valid commands: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starting with Version 2.5.102, all text in scripts comes with built-in variable formatting. Any place in a script, like: can now have formatted variables placed inside them, using the 'escape' character, '|' (also called a vertical bar, or a pipe). Like: All scripting variables are now assumed to be floating point, UNLESS expressly set: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMAND: create (the command that creates named objects in the game) ATTRIBUTE: type VALID: station, player, enemy, neutral, anomaly, blackHole, monster, genericMesh, whale ATTRIBUTE: x VALID: 0 to 100000 ATTRIBUTE: y VALID: -100000 to 100000 ATTRIBUTE: z VALID: 0 to 100000 ATTRIBUTE: use_gm_position VALID: anything, just use this attribute to cause the x,y,z to be at the game master's selected position ATTRIBUTE: name VALID: text ATTRIBUTE: hullID VALID: 0-? (corresponds to the unique hull ID in vesselData.xml) ATTRIBUTE: raceKeys VALID: text (corresponds to hullRace name and keys in vesselData.xml) ATTRIBUTE: hullKeys VALID: text (corresponds to vessel className and broadType in vesselData.xml) ATTRIBUTE: angle VALID: 0-360 ATTRIBUTE: fleetnumber VALID: 1-99 ATTRIBUTE: sideValue VALID: 0-31 (default is 1=enemy, 2 = friendly and players, 0=no side) -- for players ATTRIBUTE: player_slot VALID: 0-7 (corresponds to the 8 player ships allowed in the game) use this with or instead of a "name" attribute ATTRIBUTE: accent_color VALID: 0-99 ATTRIBUTE: warp VALID: yes or no ATTRIBUTE: jump VALID: yes or no -- for genericMeshs ATTRIBUTE: meshFileName VALID: text ATTRIBUTE: textureFileName VALID: text ATTRIBUTE: hullRace VALID: text ATTRIBUTE: hullType VALID: text ATTRIBUTE: fakeShieldsFront VALID: 1-1000 ATTRIBUTE: fakeShieldsRear VALID: 1-1000 NOTE: the fake shields default to -1, which means no fake shields if only the fakeShieldsFront is positive, the generic looks like a station ATTRIBUTE: hasFakeShldFreq VALID: 0 or 1 ATTRIBUTE: ColorRed VALID: 0.0-1.0 ATTRIBUTE: ColorGreen VALID: 0.0-1.0 ATTRIBUTE: ColorBlue VALID: 0.0-1.0 -- for anomalies ATTRIBUTE: pickupType VALID: 0-7 0 = ITEMTYPE_ENERGY, //Anomaly 1 = ITEMTYPE_RESTORE_DAMCON,//Vigoranium Nodule 2 = ITEMTYPE_HEAT_BUFF, //Cetrocite Crystal 3 = ITEMTYPE_SCAN_BUFF,//Lateral Array 4 = ITEMTYPE_WEAP_BUFF,//Tauron Focusers 5 = ITEMTYPE_SPEED_BUFF,//Infusion P-Coils 6 = ITEMTYPE_SHIELD_BUFF,//Carapaction Coils 7 = ITEMTYPE_COMM_BUFF,// secret code case 8 = ITEMTYPE_BEACON // beacon that repels/attracts monsters -- for anomaly of type 8 (a beacon) ATTRIBUTE: beaconMonsterType VALID: 0-7 (same as ATTRIBUTE: monsterType) ATTRIBUTE: beaconEffect VALID: 0-1 (0 = attract, 1 = repel) -- for monsters ATTRIBUTE: monsterType VALID: 0-7 0 = GMMONSTER_CLASSIC, 1 = GMMONSTER_WHALE, 2 = GMMONSTER_SHARK, 3 = GMMONSTER_DRAGON, 4 = GMMONSTER_PIRANHA, 5 = GMMONSTER_TUBE, 6 = GMMONSTER_BUG, 7 = GMMONSTER_JELLY, ! new for 2.7.0 8 = GMMONSTER_DERELICT, ATTRIBUTE: age VALID: 1-3 (young, mature, ancient) -- for whales and piranhas ATTRIBUTE: podnumber VALID: 0-9 If you use a pod number that's illegal, crashes and wierd graphical glitches will occur. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMAND: create (the command that creates UNnamed objects in the game) ATTRIBUTE: type VALID: nebulas, asteroids, mines ATTRIBUTE: count VALID: 0 to 500 ATTRIBUTE: radius VALID: 0 to 100000 ATTRIBUTE: randomRange VALID: 0 to 100000 ATTRIBUTE: startX VALID: 0 to 100000 ATTRIBUTE: startY VALID: -100000 to 100000 ATTRIBUTE: startZ VALID: 0 to 100000 ATTRIBUTE: use_gm_position VALID: anything, just use this attribute to cause the startX,startY,startZ to be at the game master's selected position ATTRIBUTE: endX VALID: 0 to 100000 ATTRIBUTE: endY VALID: -100000 to 100000 ATTRIBUTE: endZ VALID: 0 to 100000 ATTRIBUTE: randomSeed VALID: 0 to big number ATTRIBUTE: startAngle VALID: 0 to 360 ATTRIBUTE: endAngle VALID: 0 to 360 ATTRIBUTE: nebType (use for making nebulae) VALID: 1 to 3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMAND: destroy (the command that removes something named from the game) ATTRIBUTE: name VALID: text ATTRIBUTE: use_gm_selection VALID: anything, just use this attribute to use the game master's selected object you only need to use one, either name OR use_gm_selection ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMAND: destroy_near (the command that removes unnamed objects from the game, if near a point) ATTRIBUTE: type VALID: nebulas, asteroids, mines, whales, drones, all ATTRIBUTE: centerX VALID: 0 to 100000 ATTRIBUTE: centerY VALID: -100000 to 100000 ATTRIBUTE: centerZ VALID: 0 to 100000 ATTRIBUTE: radius VALID: 0 to 100000 ATTRIBUTE: name VALID: text ATTRIBUTE: nebType (use for destroying particular types of nebulae; omit this and all types will be destroyed) VALID: 1 to 3 ATTRIBUTE: use_gm_position VALID: anything, just use this attribute to cause the center to be at the game master's selected position use the "name" attribute to destroy things close to a named object. the "name" attribute will override the "center" attributes with the location of the named object ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMAND: add_ai (the command that adds an AI decision to a neutral or enemy's brain stack, OR a monster's monster-brain stack) ATTRIBUTE: name VALID: text, the name of the object ATTRIBUTE: use_gm_selection VALID: anything, just use this attribute to use the game master's selected object you only need to use one, either name OR use_gm_selection ATTRIBUTE: targetName VALID: text, the target object of SOME AI blocks (currently only meaningful for ATTACK and TARGET_THROTTLE) ATTRIBUTE: type VALID: text, one of a list of AI blocks. AI blocks for ships: ------------------------------------------- TRY_TO_BECOME_LEADER CHASE_PLAYER CHASE_AI_SHIP CHASE_STATION CHASE_WHALE AVOID_WHALE AVOID_BLACK_HOLE CHASE_ANGER CHASE_FLEET FOLLOW_LEADER FOLLOW_COMMS_ORDERS LEADER_LEADS SPCL_AI DIR_THROTTLE POINT_THROTTLE TARGET_THROTTLE value1=throttle, value2=0 means fire on, ~0 means move towards but don't target ATTACK DEFEND PROCEED_TO_EXIT FIGHTER_BINGO LAUNCH_FIGHTERS GUARD_STATION AI blocks for monsters: ------------------------------------------- CHASE_PLAYER CHASE_AI_SHIP CHASE_STATION CHASE_MONSTER CHASE_ANGER FRENZY_ATTACK MOVE_WITH_GROUP STAY_CLOSE GO_TO_HOLE RELEASE_PIRANHAS value1=side(piranhas will not be created when a player of this side is too close), value2=dist(player ships gets this close, piranhas are created), value3=num of piranhas spawned, value4=pod number of this monster group (0-9) DIR_THROTTLE POINT_THROTTLE TARGET_THROTTLE ATTRIBUTE: value1 VALID: -100000 to 100000, contextual to the type of the AI block ATTRIBUTE: value2 VALID: -100000 to 100000, contextual to the type of the AI block ATTRIBUTE: value3 VALID: -100000 to 100000, contextual to the type of the AI block ATTRIBUTE: value4 VALID: -100000 to 100000, contextual to the type of the AI block ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMAND: clear_ai (removes all AI decision blocks from a neutral or enemy's brain stack) ATTRIBUTE: name VALID: text, the name of the object ATTRIBUTE: use_gm_selection VALID: anything, just use this attribute to use the game master's selected object you only need to use one, either name OR use_gm_selection ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMAND: direct (the command that tells a non-player ship to go somewhere or fight something) (also tells generics where to go) (this command can no longer work with ANYTHING except non-player shielded ships and generics) ATTRIBUTE: name VALID: text ATTRIBUTE: targetName VALID: text ATTRIBUTE: pointX VALID: 0 to 100000 ATTRIBUTE: pointY VALID: -100000 to 100000 ATTRIBUTE: pointZ VALID: 0 to 100000 ATTRIBUTE: scriptThrottle VALID: 0.0 to 1.0 (for generics this is an absolute speed) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMAND: set_variable (makes or sets a named value) ATTRIBUTE: name VALID: text -EITHER- ATTRIBUTE: value VALID: 0 to big number -OR- ATTRIBUTE: randomIntHigh VALID: number ATTRIBUTE: randomIntLow VALID: number lower than randomIntHigh -OR- ATTRIBUTE: randomFloatHigh VALID: number ATTRIBUTE: randomFloatLow VALID: number lower than randomFloatHigh ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMAND: set_timer (makes or sets a named timer) ATTRIBUTE: name VALID: text ATTRIBUTE: seconds VALID: 0 to big number ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMAND: incoming_message (creates a Comms button to play a media file on the main screen) ATTRIBUTE: from VALID: text ATTRIBUTE: fileName (all media files belong in the mission subdirectory, alongside the mission script XML file) VALID: text ATTRIBUTE: mediaType VALID: 0 (for OGG audio files) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMAND: big_message (creates a chapter title on main screen(s)) ATTRIBUTE: title VALID: text ATTRIBUTE: subtitle1 VALID: text ATTRIBUTE: subtitle2 VALID: text ATTRIBUTE: side (default = 0) VALID: 0-, 0 = all sides, 1 = enemy (normally), 2+ = player side (normally) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMAND: end_mission (stops the mission) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMAND: incoming_comms_text (sends a block of text to the Comms station) ATTRIBUTE: from VALID: text ATTRIBUTE: type (optional) VALID: one of: ALERT SIDE STATUS PLAYER STATION ENEMY FRIEND BODY: VALID: multiple lines of text ATTRIBUTE: sideValue (optional) VALID: 0-31 (default is 1=enemy, 2 = friendly and players, 0=no side) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMAND: log (sends text to the mission's log file) ATTRIBUTE: text VALID: text ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMAND: set_object_property (sets a named space object's named property to a value) ATTRIBUTE: name VALID: text ATTRIBUTE: property VALID: text (check the big list at the bottom of this file) ATTRIBUTE: value VALID: signed floating point value ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMAND: set_fleet_property (sets a numbered enemy fleet's named property to a value) ATTRIBUTE: fleetIndex VALID: 0-99 ATTRIBUTE: property VALID: text (fleetSpacing, fleetMaxRadius) ATTRIBUTE: value VALID: signed floating point value fleetSpacing is normally 150 - 600 fleetMaxRadius is normally 1000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMAND: addto_object_property (adds a value to a named space object's named property) ATTRIBUTE: name VALID: text ATTRIBUTE: property VALID: text (check the big list at the bottom of this file) ATTRIBUTE: value VALID: signed floating point value ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMAND: copy_object_property (copies a named property from one named space object to another, name1 to name2) ATTRIBUTE: name1 VALID: text ATTRIBUTE: name2 VALID: text ATTRIBUTE: property VALID: text (check the big list at the bottom of this file) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMAND: set_relative_position (moves one named space object (name2) to a point near another (name1), relative to name1's heading) ATTRIBUTE: name1 VALID: text ATTRIBUTE: name2 VALID: text ATTRIBUTE: angle VALID: 0 to 360 ATTRIBUTE: distance VALID: 0 100000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMAND: set_to_gm_position (moves one named space object (name) to the point specified by clicking on the game master console screen) ATTRIBUTE: name VALID: text, the name of the object ATTRIBUTE: use_gm_selection VALID: anything, just use this attribute to use the game master's selected object you only need to use one, either name OR use_gm_selection ATTRIBUTE: angle VALID: 0 to 360 ATTRIBUTE: distance VALID: 0 100000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMAND: set_skybox_index (sets the skybox of the main screen to 0-9) ATTRIBUTE: index VALID: 0-9 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMAND: warning_popup_message (sends a very short message to the screens specified) ATTRIBUTE: message VALID: text ATTRIBUTE: consoles VALID: text, a collection of the letters MHWESCO, defining which console the message appears on ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMAND: set_difficulty_level (overrides the difficulty level set on the server control screen) ATTRIBUTE: value VALID: 1-10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMAND: set_player_grid_damage (changes the damage value of a ship system in the 3D grid) ATTRIBUTE: systemType systemBeam systemTorpedo systemTactical systemTurning systemImpulse systemWarp systemFrontShield systemBackShield ATTRIBUTE: value VALID: 0.0-1.0 ( 0.0 is no damage, 1.0 is full damage) ATTRIBUTE: countFrom VALID: left, top, or front ATTRIBUTE: index VALID: 0-100 (you can't damage more systems than the ship has) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMAND: play_sound_now ATTRIBUTE: filename VALID: text (name of the WAV file in the mission's directory) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMAND: set_damcon_members (changes the count of team members in a specific damcon team) ATTRIBUTE: team_index VALID: 0-2 ATTRIBUTE: value VALID: 0-6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMAND: set_ship_text ATTRIBUTE: name VALID: text name of existing enemy or neutral OR monster -- if you don't include the following attributes, those attributes will not be changed ATTRIBUTE: newname VALID: text name to change it to ATTRIBUTE: race VALID: text of race ATTRIBUTE: class VALID: text of class ATTRIBUTE: desc VALID: description the science console sees after one scan ATTRIBUTE: scan_desc VALID: description the science console sees after two scans ATTRIBUTE: hailtext VALID: text this ship will reply with when comms "hails" them ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMAND: start_getting_keypresses_from (sets a client console to key-active; it sends key press messages to the server) ATTRIBUTE: consoles VALID: text, a collection of the letters MHWESCO, defining which console(s) we want ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMAND: end_getting_keypresses_from (sets a client console to NOT key-active) ATTRIBUTE: consoles VALID: text, a collection of the letters MHWESCO, defining which console(s) we want ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMAND: set_special (changes the "specialCaptainType" and "specialShipType" variables of an AIShip, and rebuilds the scan text for the ship; also adjusts the special abilities of an AIShip) ATTRIBUTE: name VALID: text name of existing NPC ship -- if you don't include the following attributes, those attributes will not be changed ATTRIBUTE: ship VALID: -1 to 3 -1 = nothing 0=upgraded 1=overpowered 2=underpowered ATTRIBUTE: captain VALID: -1 to 5 -1 = nothing 0=cowardly 1=brave 2=bombastic 3=seething 4=duplicitous 5=exceptional ATTRIBUTE: ability (you can only use this attribute once per "set_special" command) VALID: text, consisting of one of the following: Stealth LowVis Cloak HET Warp Teleport Tractor Drones AntiMine AntiTorp ShldDrain ShldVamp ATTRIBUTE: clear VALID: anything this switches the prior "ability" attribute, so instead of turning on the named special ability, it turns it off ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMAND: set_side_value (changes the sideValue of a game object) ATTRIBUTE: name VALID: text name of existing ship or station ATTRIBUTE: value VALID: 0-, 0 = no side, 1 = enemy (normally), 2+ = player side (normally) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMAND: set_gm_button (adds a button to the current GM console) ATTRIBUTE: text VALID: name of button. If this button doens't have a position set, it's a menu button, and can have sub-menus by adding / character to this text, such as "Create Enemy/Extras/Minefield arc" ATTRIBUTE: x,y,w,h VALID: 1-1000 these four attributes allow you to define the exact position and size of the button on the GM client screen. ATTRIBUTE: menu_w VALID: 1-1000 this attribute will set the pixel width of every menu button set_gm_button, clear_gm_button, and if_gm_button let you add graphical buttons to the GM console, and trigger events based on the GM clicking those buttons. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMAND: set_comms_button (adds a button to all relavent comms consoles) ATTRIBUTE: text VALID: name of button. ATTRIBUTE: sideValue (default = 0) VALID: 0-, 0 = all sides, 1 = enemy (normally), 2+ = player side (normally) set_comms_button, clear_comms_button, and if_comms_button let you add special buttons to the comms console, and trigger events based on the comms clicking those buttons. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMAND: clear_gm_button (removes a button from the current GM console) ATTRIBUTE: text VALID: name of existing button. Use the exact text you used to create the button (with set_gm_button). set_gm_button, clear_gm_button, and if_gm_button let you add graphical buttons to the GM console, and trigger events based on the GM clicking those buttons. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMAND: clear_comms_button (removes a button from all relavent comms consoles) ATTRIBUTE: text VALID: name of existing button. Use the exact text you used to create the button (with set_comms_button). ATTRIBUTE: sideValue (default = 0) VALID: 0-, 0 = all sides, 1 = enemy (normally), 2+ = player side (normally) set_comms_button, clear_comms_button, and if_comms_button let you add special buttons to the comms console, and trigger events based on the comms clicking those buttons. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMAND: set_player_carried_type (defines a singleseat ship to be carried inside another PLAYER ship) ATTRIBUTE: name (optional) VALID: text ATTRIBUTE: hullID (optional) VALID: 0-? (corresponds to the unique hull ID in vesselData.xml) ATTRIBUTE: raceKeys (optional) VALID: text (corresponds to hullRace name and keys in vesselData.xml) ATTRIBUTE: hullKeys (optional) VALID: text (corresponds to vessel className and broadType in vesselData.xml) ATTRIBUTE: player_slot VALID: 0-7 (corresponds to the 8 player capital (not fighter) ships allowed in the game) this player_slot value defines which carrier to put this singleseat ship on. ATTRIBUTE: bay_slot VALID: 0-? (corresponds to the bay number inside the carrier ship) slot zero is extra, and is reserved for a shuttle (so most ships can only carry one shuttle) NOTE: this command doesn't change a ship. It changes a list, which is then used when a ship is created. SO, unlike most commands, you should use this command BEFORE you "create" a player ship. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMAND: set_monster_tag_data (defines tag text for a monster) ATTRIBUTE: name (optional) VALID: text, name of monster ATTRIBUTE: use_gm_selection (optional) VALID: anything; the text activates the use ATTRIBUTE: tag_slot VALID: 0-3 (each monster has 4 tag slots, each slot has "source_name" and "date" text fields) ATTRIBUTE: sourcetext (optional) VALID: text ATTRIBUTE: datetext (optional) VALID: text NOTE: if you fail to use the text tags, the field will be erased, emptied. When both are erased, the game knows that the tag in that slot doesn't exist. so if you want to make a monster have no tags, you'll use this command 4 times, once for each of the slots, and not include the sourcetext or datetext attribs. as of ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMAND: set_named_object_tag_state (defines tag info for a named object) ATTRIBUTE: name (optional) VALID: text, name of named object you want to set the tag info for ATTRIBUTE: use_gm_selection (optional) VALID: anything; the text activates the use ATTRIBUTE: tagged VALID: anything; with this attribute, the tag state of the object will be set to TRUE, otherwise FALSE ATTRIBUTE: tagSourceSide VALID: 0-31 (side value that hit the object with the tag) ATTRIBUTE: tagSourceName (optional) VALID: text ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONDITION: if_inside_box (tests if named object is inside a rectangle in space) ATTRIBUTE: name VALID: text ATTRIBUTE: leastX VALID: 0 to 100000 ATTRIBUTE: leastZ VALID: 0 to 100000 ATTRIBUTE: mostX VALID: 0 to 100000 ATTRIBUTE: mostZ VALID: 0 to 100000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONDITION: if_outside_box (tests if named object is outside a rectangle in space) ATTRIBUTE: name VALID: text ATTRIBUTE: leastX VALID: 0 to 100000 ATTRIBUTE: leastZ VALID: 0 to 100000 ATTRIBUTE: mostX VALID: 0 to 100000 ATTRIBUTE: mostZ VALID: 0 to 100000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONDITION: if_inside_sphere (tests if named object is inside a sphere in space) ATTRIBUTE: name VALID: text ATTRIBUTE: centerX VALID: 0 to 100000 ATTRIBUTE: centerY VALID: -100000 to 100000 ATTRIBUTE: centerZ VALID: 0 to 100000 ATTRIBUTE: radius VALID: 0 to 100000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONDITION: if_outside_sphere (tests if named object is outside a sphere in space) ATTRIBUTE: name VALID: text ATTRIBUTE: centerX VALID: 0 to 100000 ATTRIBUTE: centerY VALID: -100000 to 100000 ATTRIBUTE: centerZ VALID: 0 to 100000 ATTRIBUTE: radius VALID: 0 to 100000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONDITION: if_distance (tests the distance between two named objects against a condition) -- use these to select 2 named objects ATTRIBUTE: name1 VALID: text ATTRIBUTE: name2 VALID: text -- or use these to select 2 player ships by their slot ATTRIBUTE: player_slot1 VALID: 0 to 7 ATTRIBUTE: player_slot2 VALID: 0 to 7 ATTRIBUTE: pointX VALID: 0 to 100000 ATTRIBUTE: pointY VALID: -100000 to 100000 ATTRIBUTE: pointZ VALID: 0 to 100000 ATTRIBUTE: comparator VALID: =, !=, <, >, <=, >=, EQUALS, NOT, GREATER, LESS, GREATER_EQUAL, LESS_EQUAL ATTRIBUTE: value VALID: signed floating point value ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONDITION: if_variable (tests a named variable against a condition) ATTRIBUTE: name VALID: text ATTRIBUTE: comparator VALID: =, !=, <, >, <=, >=, EQUALS, NOT, GREATER, LESS, GREATER_EQUAL, LESS_EQUAL ATTRIBUTE: value VALID: signed floating point value ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONDITION: if_damcon_members (tests the count of team members in a specific damcon team against a condition) ATTRIBUTE: team_index VALID: 0, 1, or 2 ATTRIBUTE: comparator VALID: =, !=, <, >, <=, >=, EQUALS, NOT, GREATER, LESS, GREATER_EQUAL, LESS_EQUAL ATTRIBUTE: value VALID: signed floating point value ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONDITION: if_fleet_count (tests an indexed fleet's membership count against a condition) ATTRIBUTE: name VALID: text ATTRIBUTE: comparator VALID: =, !=, <, >, <=, >=, EQUALS, NOT, GREATER, LESS, GREATER_EQUAL, LESS_EQUAL ATTRIBUTE: value VALID: signed floating point value ATTRIBUTE: fleetnumber VALID: 0-99 ATTRIBUTE: sideValue (optional) VALID: 0-30, <0 means count all non-player ships (including "friendly" ships), enemies are typically side 1 ATTRIBUTE: countSurrendered (optional) VALID: 0-99 normally this doesn't include surrendered ships in the count. Setting "countSurrendered" to 1 includes them in the count if you omit the fleetnumber, this command will count every enemy in the game ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONDITION: if_difficulty (tests the current game's difficulty level against a condition) ATTRIBUTE: comparator VALID: =, !=, <, >, <=, >=, EQUALS, NOT, GREATER, LESS, GREATER_EQUAL, LESS_EQUAL ATTRIBUTE: value VALID: signed floating point value ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONDITION: if_docked (tests if a player is docked with a named station) ATTRIBUTE: name VALID: text (name of station the ship is or is not docked with) (optional) ATTRIBUTE: use_gm_selection VALID: use this attribute to use the game master's selected player ship (this will fail if the selected object isn't a player ship) (optional) ATTRIBUTE: player_name VALID: text (name of player ship) (optional) ATTRIBUTE: player_slot VALID: 0-7 (corresponds to the 8 player ships allowed in the game) use this instead of a "player_name" or "use_gm_selection" attribute (optional) ATTRIBUTE: not VALID: anything (inverts the logic of this command, to test if the player ship is NOT currently docked) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONDITION: if_player_is_targeting (tests if the Artemis's weapons officer has a lock on the named object) ATTRIBUTE: name VALID: text ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONDITION: if_timer_finished (tests if a timer has counted down to zero yet) ATTRIBUTE: name VALID: text ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONDITION: if_exists (tests if named object exists right now) ATTRIBUTE: name VALID: text ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONDITION: if_not_exists (tests if named object does NOT exist right now) ATTRIBUTE: name VALID: text ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONDITION: if_object_property (tests a named space object's named property against a condition) ATTRIBUTE: name VALID: text ATTRIBUTE: property VALID: property (check the big list at the bottom of this file) ATTRIBUTE: comparator VALID: =, !=, <, >, <=, >=, EQUALS, NOT, GREATER, LESS, GREATER_EQUAL, LESS_EQUAL ATTRIBUTE: value VALID: signed floating point value ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONDITION: if_scan_level (tests a named space object's scan level (side-based) against a condition) ATTRIBUTE: name VALID: name of object that has a scan, so AIShips, monsters, and pickups ATTRIBUTE: comparator VALID: =, !=, <, >, <=, >=, EQUALS, NOT, GREATER, LESS, GREATER_EQUAL, LESS_EQUAL ATTRIBUTE: value VALID: signed floating point value (but scan levels are usually 0,1, or 2) ATTRIBUTE: use_gm_selection VALID: use this attribute to use the game master's selected player ship (this will fail if the selected object isn't a player ship) (optional) ATTRIBUTE: player_slot VALID: 0-7 (corresponds to the 8 player ships allowed in the game) use this instead of a "name" or "use_gm_selection" attribute (optional) ATTRIBUTE: side VALID: integer value (sides are 0-31, 0 = no side, 1 = enemy (normally), 2+ = player side (normally)) IMPORTANT: this side is the side doing the detecting, NOT the side of the named object ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONDITION: if_gm_key (triggers when a key is pressed on a game master console) ATTRIBUTE: keyText VALID: text, single letter (usually upper case) ATTRIBUTE: value VALID: 0-128 (raw key scan code) you only need to use one, either keyText OR value ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONDITION: if_client_key (triggers when a key is pressed on a key-activated console) ATTRIBUTE: keyText VALID: text, single letter (usually upper case) ATTRIBUTE: value VALID: 0-128 (raw key scan code) you only need to use one, either keyText OR value NOTE: use start_getting_keypresses_from and end_getting_keypresses_from to key-activate a console. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONDITION: if_gm_button (triggers when a button from the current GM console is clicked) ATTRIBUTE: text VALID: name of existing button. Use the exact text you used to create the button (with set_gm_button). set_gm_button, clear_gm_button, and if_gm_button let you add graphical buttons to the GM console, and trigger events based on the GM clicking those buttons. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONDITION: if_comms_button (triggers when a specal button from a comms console is clicked) ATTRIBUTE: text VALID: name of existing button. Use the exact text you used to create the button (with set_comms_button). set_comms_button, clear_comms_button, and if_comms_button let you add special buttons to the comms console, and trigger events based on the comms clicking those buttons. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONDITION: if_monster_tag_matches (tests the tags attached to a monster) ATTRIBUTE: name VALID: text ATTRIBUTE: string VALID: text, text to compare with the tag text NOTE: Did the player shoot a monster with a tag? Use this conditional, name=name-of-monster, and string=name-of-player-ship ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONDITION: if_object_tag_matches (tests the tag source name attached to a named object) ATTRIBUTE: objectName VALID: text (name of object that has a tag attached to it) ATTRIBUTE: string VALID: text, text to compare with the tag's text NOTE: Did the player shoot anything with a tag? Use this conditional, objectName=name-of-thing, and string=name-of-player-ship ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONDITION: if_in_nebula (tests a named space object's current state regarding nebulas) ATTRIBUTE: name VALID: name of object that has a scan, so AIShips, monsters, and pickups ATTRIBUTE: use_gm_selection VALID: use this attribute to use the game master's selected object (optional) ATTRIBUTE: player_slot VALID: 0-7 (corresponds to the 8 player ships allowed in the game) use this instead of a "name" or "use_gm_selection" attribute (optional) ATTRIBUTE: compare VALID: integer value 0-3 (as of 2/14/2018, nebulas come in 3 types, 1,2, and 3. Use 0 if you want this condition to be true when the object is NOT inside a nebula) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: Properties you can set, add, or test against: // values that are in the game, not actually attached to an object. To use these, do not name the object when using "if_object_property" or similar commands. nebulaIsOpaque sensorSetting gameTimeLimit networkTickSpeed nonPlayerSpeed nonPlayerShield nonPlayerWeapon playerWeapon playerShields coopAdjustmentValue // new for 2.5.104; these sound volume values should range from 0.0 - 1.0 musicObjectMasterVolume commsObjectMasterVolume soundFXVolume // values for everything positionX positionY positionZ deltaX deltaY deltaZ angle --these 3 values will be in radians (0-2*PI), NOT degrees like every other angle in the scripting parser pitch roll sideValue 0 = no side, 1 = enemy (normally), 2+ = player side (normally) // values for GenericMeshs blocksShotFlag pushRadius pitchDelta rollDelta angleDelta artScale // values for Stations shieldState canBuild missileStoresHoming missileStoresNuke missileStoresMine missileStoresEMP missileStoresPShock missileStoresBeacon missileStoresProbe missileStoresTag // values for ShieldedShips throttle steering topSpeed turnRate shieldStateFront shieldMaxStateFront shieldStateBack shieldMaxStateBack shieldsOn triggersMines systemDamageBeam systemDamageTorpedo systemDamageTactical systemDamageTurning systemDamageImpulse systemDamageWarp systemDamageFrontShield systemDamageBackShield shieldBandStrength0 shieldBandStrength1 shieldBandStrength2 shieldBandStrength3 shieldBandStrength4 // values for Enemys targetPointX targetPointY targetPointZ hasSurrendered eliteAIType eliteAbilityBits eliteAbilityState surrenderChance (0-100) tauntImmunityIndex (0,1, or 2) // values for Neutrals exitPointX exitPointY exitPointZ // values for Players countHoming countNuke countMine countECM energy warpState currentRealSpeed (read only) totalCoolant pirateRepWithStations (if the player is a pirate, >0 means you can dock) systemCurCoolantBeam systemCurCoolantTorpedo systemCurCoolantTactical systemCurCoolantTurning systemCurCoolantImpulse systemCurCoolantWarp systemCurCoolantFrontShield systemCurCoolantBackShield systemCurHeatBeam systemCurHeatTorpedo systemCurHeatTactical systemCurHeatTurning systemCurHeatImpulse systemCurHeatWarp systemCurHeatFrontShield systemCurHeatBackShield systemCurEnergyBeam systemCurEnergyTorpedo systemCurEnergyTactical systemCurEnergyTurning systemCurEnergyImpulse systemCurEnergyWarp systemCurEnergyFrontShield systemCurEnergyBackShield // for use in member variable 'int eliteAbilityBits' const int ELITE_INVIS_TO_MAIN_SCREEN = 1 const int ELITE_INVIS_TO_TACTICAL = 2 const int ELITE_CLOAKING = 4 const int ELITE_HET = 8 const int ELITE_WARP = 16 const int ELITE_TELEPORT = 32 const int ELITE_TRACTOR_BEAM = 64 const int ELITE_DRONE_LAUNCHER = 128 const int ELITE_ANTI_MINE_BEAMS = 256 const int ELITE_ANTI_TORP_BEAMS = 512 const int ELITE_ANTI_SHIELD = 1024 take the number of all the abilities you want the elite enemy to have, add them together, and that's the number you should set in eliteAbilityBits. eliteAIType? 0 = behave just like a normal ship (hunt stations, unless a neutral or player is close) 1 = follow the nearest normal fleet around, attack the player when close 2 = ignore everything except players